Musician Rights

The California Copyright Conference presents “Exploring the Digital Landscape” on February 12, 6:15 p.m., Sportsmen’s Lodge. Join moderators Ed Arrow, Sr. VP Universal Music and James Leach VP, SESAC as they ask the tough questions of representatives from YouTube, MusicNotes,  Android and Google Play.   Where exactly is all the money going?

An informative, and we hope a provocative evening.  Register here:


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Hodgson Legal congratulates client Miguel on five Grammy nominations for the 2013 Grammy Awards.   Miguel’s song “Adorn” is nominated for song of the year in the 55th Annual Grammy Awards, as well as best R&B performance and best R&B song.

Miguel calls his sound “dangerous and scandalously romantic.” His “Kaledioscope Dream” album debuted in September 2012 at No. 3, and was also listed in New York Magazine’s Top 10 album list of 2012. 

Miguel has had success as both an artist and a writer  for other artists.  Miguel is that unique artist who knows himself as an artist and has a clear vision of himself:

 I want commercial success without sacrificing creativity…I don’t think I have to choose one or the other.

Keep on pushing the edge Miguel!




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LoudTrax Interview + Music Law Advice

November 7, 2012

Strengthened by Cheryl Hodgson’s extensive network in the music industry, Hodgson Legal has a strong history as a leader in Music Law. 

When artists form a band they need to ensure that the band name is legally clear of trademark conflicts, that they can copyright their music and protect their logo. Should the band become the next Beatles, the iconic music “brand” needs to be enforceable.

Cheryl Hodgson participated in a conversation with rock-n-roll website Loud Trax to offer some free advice on how bands can protect their name and brand. For any artist hoping to make it big, it’s an informative read. 

Click here to view the LoudTrax Interview on Brandaide, a website filled with expert brand-building advice.

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Cheryl L. Hodgson

Stories abound of songwriters and recording artists “who never received a dime” in royalties. Can anything be done to right the wrong?

An earlier article discussed recapture of rights based upon statutory notices of termination. In this article, review principles found in cases that offers alternative ways for artists, songwriters and recording artists to recover their rights based upon failure to account and pay.

Is it possible to recover title to the asset, namely the songs or the master recordings, or even recover unpaid royalties which have never been paid? Of course, the lawyerly response is, “it depends.” Since our firm successfully rescinded the recording agreements for the 1960’s group The Kingsmen, and recovered title to their hit record Louie Louie there are options. Unpaid composers, writers and recording groups may, instead

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