register a trademark

Successful trademark clients include Hay House, the world’s largest publishers of self-improvement publishers in the world, publishing such names as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Dr. Robert Holden, and Denise Linn. Hodgson Legal has assembled a team of international trademark lawyers with whom she works closely to protect the rights of Hay House her other clients. Hodgson Legal’s team of highly trained team anti counterfeiting experts are available to implement anti counterfeiting measures for fake goods sold both off-line and off.

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How to Get a Trademark Registration

February 18, 2014
Registered Trademark Symbol

We are asked how to get a trademark in the United States. You must actually sell goods or services in New brand owners often ask how to get a trademark registration. In the United States, you must sell goods or services in interstate commerce (across state lines) containing the trademark. In much of the rest of the world, use is not required to get a trademark registration, since the first to register can obtain rights, even over a prior user.

Valid use means the trademark must appear on the goods, the packaging for the goods, or displays associated with the goods. When it comes to selling products on the Internet, the “displays” require one offer the product for sale with an online shopping cart that allows for purchase of the product or services.

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