
Trademark Search Before You File

April 2, 2014
Young man in Business suit with magnifying glass looking over a city

The US Trademark Office website is a good starting place, but it is only the beginning and is not a substitute for a full professional search. Our firm will search trademarks that are pending and registered at the US Trademark Office as a preliminary screening effort. However, since marks need not be identical to prevent your registration based upon confusing similarity.

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How to Get a Trademark Registration

February 18, 2014
Registered Trademark Symbol

We are asked how to get a trademark in the United States. You must actually sell goods or services in New brand owners often ask how to get a trademark registration. In the United States, you must sell goods or services in interstate commerce (across state lines) containing the trademark. In much of the rest of the world, use is not required to get a trademark registration, since the first to register can obtain rights, even over a prior user.

Valid use means the trademark must appear on the goods, the packaging for the goods, or displays associated with the goods. When it comes to selling products on the Internet, the “displays” require one offer the product for sale with an online shopping cart that allows for purchase of the product or services.

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Hay House Publishing: Global TM Success

October 30, 2012

While attending Hay House Publishing‘s I CAN DO IT! Pasadena event, Cheryl Hodgson visited with Dr. Patricia Crane and Rick Nichols who lead the world wide licensing program for Hay House HEAL YOUR LIFE® teacher training.

The Hodgson firm developed a global trademark licensing program for the HEAL YOUR LIFE workshop leaders, who train based upon the principle and teachings of founder Louise Hay.

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TM Advice For New Brands

October 29, 2012

Our experts in trademark registration and enforcement contributed valuable advice to, pointing out the Top 10 Branding Mistakes.

Entrepreneurs and trademark applicants take heed. It’s worth the read!

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